Nickel cadmium・Nickel Metal Hydride alkaline battery・Sales of production facilities

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Pocket type alkaline storage battery

Pocket type alkaline batteries

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Pocket type nickel cadmium alkaline batteries

Pocket type alkaline batteries are invented in Sweden, since it was industrialized, and is put to practical use in each country, and the battery has been widely used.
That is because that pocket type alkaline batteries has very high reliability, maintenance and handling of these are easy.
Since our company began domestic production of pocket type alkaline storage batteries at 1953, these batteries are widely used as stand-by power supply of emergency lighting, operation for the equipment of power station, engine starting and computer for various field, and we get the reliability from customers.


・High reliability
As batteries are manufactured by automatic electrode production facilities, these have high reliability electrochemically and mechanically. Since these batteries meet the global standard, these are exported abroad to many countries.
・Excellent Low-temperature characteristics
Low-temperature characteristics are more excellent than the other batteries. Rate of decrease of battery capacity is very low and batteries are used on wide range of temperature.
・Many models
As there are many types of battery capacity from 10Ah to 1000Ah, batteries are selected economically for wide range of load condition.
・Long life and economical
Because there is little deterioration even if the battery is used for a long term, life of it is long. And since maintenance of battery is easy to perform, it is economical.
・No corrosive gases generated
Since the electrolyte of battery is potassium hydroxide solution, there is no corrosive gas generated. So this battery is suitable for one structure with rectifier.
・Minimum maintenance
There are few change of the specific gravity of electrolyte. As the tolerance of specific gravity is wide, measurement of the S.G. is once a year. Since the container of battery is transparent plastic, it is easy for check of the electrolyte level.
Cell Type
Classificationby performance Designation by HONDA Classification
by IEC Standard
Range of capacity
Very High-rate Type HDV KPX 10~450
High-rate Type HDH KPH 10~700
Medium-rate Type HDM KPM 10~1000
Long-rate Type HDS KPL 10~1000

Typical application
Type Application
HDV ・Engine starting, gas turbine generator
・Operation/control of computer systems
・Central control systems of power plants, transportation networks,
  chemical plants, iron/ steel manufacturing plants
・AC uninterruptible power supply systems
・Emergency operation of elevators, emergency exit doors
HDH ・Operation of CB in power stations and substations
・Engine starting, gas turbine generators
・Operation and control of DC motors
・Monitor/control systems for buildings, water treatment plants,
  solid wastes disposal plants, airports, highway etc.
HDM ・Auxiliary power sources for power stations, chemical plants,
  oil refineries, iron works etc.
・UHF &VHF TV stations, unattended radio relay stations, etc.
・Operation of lift trucks
・Emergency lighting at factories, office buildings, hospitals etc.
・Control and operation of emergency lighting and safety devices of electric cars
HDS ・Lighting and air conditioner control on a train
・Operation of radio and other communication equipment on a ship
・Solar energy systems
・Operation of telemeter systems that monitor rainfall, water level, waves etc.
・Monitoring, telemeter, control and protection of broadcasting and communication equipment and telephone switchboards.